Camp Info
Thanks for stopping by to gather more information
on cost, location, what makes a great camper, and what a day at FMDH Camp Med: Introduction To Healthcare will look like!

A Great Camper
Are you interested in healthcare, know nothing about healthcare, curious, love to learn, or just think camp will be a fun thing to add to your summer plans? If you can answer yes to one of those questions, then camp is for you!
Exciting Changes for Camp Med 2025! We're thrilled to announce that Camp Med 2025 will be FREE! This year, registration will not be on a first-come, first-served basis. Instead, we invite campers to submit an application explaining why they would like to attend. We aim to provide an even more enriching educational experience and want dedicated campers who are genuinely interested. Stay tuned for more details coming in Spring 2025.​
Who should come to our Middle School Camp Med? Any incoming middle schooler (6th, 7th, or 8th grade) is welcome to submit an application to be considered for Camp Med!
Who should come to our High School Camp Med? Any incoming high schooler (9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade) is welcome to submit an application to be considered for Camp Med!

A Day at Camp
Camp Med 2025 Check-In and Daily Schedule
Campers may check in at Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital (FMDH) 30 minutes before camp starts. Check-in is from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM, with camp running from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Please enter through the main entrance. Our staff and signs will guide campers to their camp location on the lower level of FMDH.
We encourage parents/guardians to join us during check-in. Once checked in, campers will receive their custom badges and camp swag!
Throughout the camp, students will attend various sessions covering different healthcare topics. We ensure plenty of caring adults, breaks, food, and fun (*lunch is provided).
For dismissal, campers may be picked up on the lower level or at the main entrance of FMDH. Campers may also be released to walk home. Please let us know what works best for your student.
Your student's safety and well-being are our top priorities!

More Info/Cost
All FMDH Camp Med staff are committed to being a part of a team that ensures the health, safety, and well-being of all the campers under their care. With that said, we do have camp policies and procedures set in place to make camp the best it can be (listed in our registration).
The dates:
Middle School Camp Med is June 9th-10th (Monday & Tuesday), check-in 8:30am-9am, camp 9am-4pm.
High School Camp Med is June 11th-12th (Wednesday & Thursday), check-in 8:30am-9am, camp 9am-4pm.
The cost: FREE
At no cost, your student can participate in a series of engaging healthcare sessions, enjoy nutritious snacks, sweets, & lunch, have fun, and receive a bunch of camp swag they'll be proud to call their own!